Friday, September 10, 2010


Functions of Civil Engineering  

The branch of Civil Engineering deals with the design, construction and maintenance of fixed structures like roads, bridges, transportation systems, etc. This arm of engineering 
gained importance during the world wars when civil engineers where responsible for building resilient structures which could be used for housing soldiers and also to obtain protection from enemy attacks

Scope of Civil Engineering
Due to increase in the scope of civil engineering with the passage of time, it has now got diversified into many branches of study. Some of the significant ones include structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, hydraulic engineering, environmental engineering and a few more important areas of study.

Functions of Civil Engineering

The most important task of civil engineering is design and planning of various structures. For this purpose, the forces acting on each nook and corner of the structure are analyzed and a stable design is finalized. This process is crucial because all the stresses and strains that arise within the structure are to be neutralized to keep the structure erect. Civil engineers must also provide allowance for deviations due to wind, seismic activity or other natural calamities, only then can the buildings resist the impact of natural forces.
Civil engineers are also responsible for building good quality transportation systemslike highways, airports, rail lines, sea ports, etc. A civil engineer is concerned with determining the right design for these structures and looking after the construction process so that the longevity of these structures is guaranteed after completion. These structures should also be satisfactory for the public in terms of comfort.
Apart from structures on land and general transportation systems, civil engineers are also responsible for building good transportation systems for flow of water, i.e. the water distribution systems. The main activities in this undertaking are designing pipelines for flow of water, drainage facilities, canals, dams, etc. Dams are a major source for non-conventional source of electricity and are hence in high demand today. While designing these structures, the civil engineers take into account the various properties of fluids to calculate the forces acting at different points.


civil engineer practices civil engineering, the branch of engineering which focuses on the design, construction, and maintenance of public works. These professionals may be employed by municipalities or by private firms which have landed contracts to build such public works. The qualifications to become a civil engineer vary by nation, but generally the position requires at least a four year degree, and in some cases formal certification will be needed as well before someone can advertise as a civil engineer.
Civil engineering is one of the oldest and most extensive branches of engineering. It focuses on aspects of public works like transportation, water treatment, government buildings, public facilities such as airports and train stations, and other large scale projects which benefit the public. A civil engineer must be able to design safe structures which meet standard codes in the regions that they are being built in. These structures must be designed with maintenance, efficiency, and other economic concerns in mind as well to ensure that they will endure through years of use.
In terms of transportation, civil engineers build bridges, tunnels, freeway interchanges, and other structures which are designed to facilitate the smooth, even flow of traffic while allowing for expansion and higher use rates. Water treatment includes sewage plants, delivery systems for fresh water, dams, and other facilities which handle both fresh and waste water, while government buildings run the gamut from police stations to city halls. A civil engineer might also work on projects like a city power plant or a major office building.
Pay for civil engineers tend to be reasonably high, considering that these professionals are highly trained and very skilled. Jobs in public service may not command as much pay, but they may come with benefits and prominent positions in the community, while private contractors can woo civil engineers with very attractive benefits and compensation packages. The position can also be dangerous, depending on how much time a civil engineer spends in the field, but it can also be very exciting, especially in regions which are integrating cutting edge technology and design techniques into their public works.
People who are interested in a career in civil engineering should plan on taking large amounts of math and science in high school, and they should pursue degrees in civil engineering in college. For advanced positions and additional knowledge, graduate school is strongly recommended.



                                  Among all the engineer's civil has proved the best because for all other engg works there must be a part of  civil  enggineer in it but we r not like that we had an own idea to do every thing with out any other enggineer's this prooves the power of civil engg....................                  


                                       If u ask this question to any one even to the ungraduated persons the answer will be "the person who are constructing the building  are known as engineer" they dont say about software engineer,mechanical engineer or others.........this is the power of "CIVIL"                        

Sunday, August 22, 2010


 CIVIL engineer is not only mean that constructing of buildings planning etc it may also classify into different categories...............                                                                                                                                                      
And also it is classified into 
Construction Engineer 
Geological Engineer 
Geotechnical Engineer 
Hydraulics Engineer 
Industrial Engineer 
Mining Engineer 
Public Works Engineer 
Safety Engineer 
Structural Engineer 
Urban Planner 
Architectural Engineer 
Civil Engineer Technician 
Consulting Engineer 
Environmental Engineer 
Highway Engineer 
Mechanical Engineer 
Petroleum Engineer 
Pipeline Engineer 
Research Engineer 
Sanitary Engineer 
Transportation Engineer                                                                                                                          



 CIVIL ENGINEER -         

           we are persons who r full filling the basic need's of human beings ....according to basic needs of humans (food,cloth,shelter) we are providing the main part(shelter) to them where no other engineer is done .....Apart from these we are main responsibilities to make the world wonder because "GOD JUST CREATES THE WORLD BUT WE CIVIL ENGINEERS ARE SHAPING THE WORLD" this is the post for who have planned to take civil engineering this is the department which can taken without thinking any thing because how ever IT'S and SOFTWARES fall down but BASIC NEEDS OF people won't get down

              "BE PROUD TO BE AN 
                             CIVIL ENGINEER"